Friday, May 10, 2013

Writing Websites

This is just a short post to collect some websites that I've found, they've been getting mouldy in my bookmarks so I thought I'd leave them to get mouldy here.

Here is a list of resources for budding writers in Melbourne. Shelly Thacker, an author I've never heard of, wrote some tips on writing a readable novel. And this is about standard manuscript format.

And while we're here, this blog is about feminism as a commodity market; here is one about the sweetie-jerk spectrum, and for some crafty stuff...

These bunnies are supes adorbs (I'll make them for next Easter); peruse these colourful crochet examples only if you want to squee out. In the theme of my latest craze, ripple teacosy and daylily teacosy.

Thanks for indulging me!